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Project 8a: Preparing to Move the Barn...     Project 8b: Moving the Barn...  Project 8c: Moving the Stuff...

Project 8a: Preparing to Move the Barn Onto A Firm Foundation

The barn was situated in an absolutely wonderful spot on the lot, with views of the garden shed, the river and the land. However, the foundation that it rested on was close to 200 years old, and was just a pile of rocks laid one upon another. Despite this, the building was straight and plumb, for its era, and full of charm. So the decision to move it wasn't an easy one.
Finally, with consultations with building professionals, it seemed to make sense to move it out of the strong north-westerly winds and into a protected spot in the sun, where Ed Harding, the dear fellow whose family lived here for over fifty years, used to have a great garden. And it certainly made sense to place it on a strong new foundation.   So here's how it happened:

Creating a Foundation

First, the digging.

Then, the forms were brought in and placed and the footings poured.

Then, the walls were formed and poured.

There won't be a poured floor--just the Maine ledge.

A special stocking took the cement to the far side of the walls where the supervisor kept an eye on the flow.

Then a representative from the Central Maine Power company arrived to discuss moving the electrical lines that are in the way.  The men reached an understanding. (!)

And the new foundation is ready for the barn.

Moving the Barn

Finally, it was time to actually move the barn from its ancient resting place on ledge and Maine stones and boulders onto the strong, stable new foundation. 

The barn won't have this glorious river view, but it will be surrounded by mature apple trees and pines of all varieties, facing the lovely sloping lawn.

First, the building movers gently jacked up the barn, in place.

Then they placed the beams that would carry the barn forward onto the driveway.

They added an extra eye beam to hold up the chimney.

They then "greased the skids" with Crisco, so that one eye beam, carrying the barn, slid well on the other eye beam into the driveway area.

They placed the beams for the next step--moving the barn onto the driveway.

Then they each manned a vehicle and started to pull.

Press here to continue the Maine adventure--Moving the Barn

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